Holistic Treatments
333 Treatment
45 Minutes - $135.00
Intuitive/Deep Tissue Massage, Cupping/Hot Rocksd/ Red Light Therapy
444 Treatment
60 Minutes - $150.00
Intuitive/Deep Tissue Massage, Cupping or Hot Rocks + Red Light Therapy
Please add $20 for extras
Wood Therapy
Buccal Massage
Meditation & Sound Therapy
Children's Treatments
45 mins - $65.00
Cultivating a breath work and meditation practice at a young age is extremely valuable...
Especially considering the current societal challenges and transitions.
In this healing session, I will teach these practical skills to your child that will help them address stress and anxiety in this rather traumatic time.
As well as this mindful teaching, I will offer a massage, and what I intuitively feel will be of benefit for your child.